Early voting began today in Tennessee, so I hotfooted it to the local early voting precinct as soon as it opened (10am local time). I was astonished to find a long line of voters already waiting to cast their ballots. I waited in line for one hour and forty-two minutes to vote! Wow! If this is any indication, there will surely be a record turnout for this election.
Although I live in a very red state, and vote in a very, very red precinct, there was a lot of favorable (for Obama) chatter in the line about the state of the economy, the need for change and general dissatisfaction with the status quo. Since it is illegal in Tennessee to campaign at the polling place, the talk was subdued and words were chosen carefully. Nevertheless, there was a very encouraging mood in this long line of early voters. Even more impressive was the fact that not a single person grew impatient and left before getting a chance to vote. Everyone waited for her/his turn to cast a ballot.
When I left the polling place, the line of people waiting to vote stretched out of the building, down a long flight of stairs and onto the parking lot. Amazing!
Great News!
I also voted today in the red state of Tennessee. I voted in Coffee County and was also astonished to see a long line of voters. Furthermore, the line of voters was very diverse with lots of YOUNG voters!!! I Spoke with the director of the voting precinct and she informed me that more than 500 people voted in the first couple hours! This is big for small town Coffee County!
I also early voted in Tennessee this morning. My polling place in Hickman County was busy, too, but I was stricken by the McCain-leaning people (judging from the bumper stickers in the parking lot and the appearance and demeanor of the crowd). As I approached the polling place, a shirtless man exited and put his McCain/Pailin T-shirt back on. As I entered the room, a camoflage-wearing gentleman finished casting his vote, and as he left he shouted "God Bless America." Frankly, it had the feel of a McCain/Palin hate rally. It is clear that these are the kind of folks being courted by the "terrorist, kill him" campaign of the Republicans. The saddest part of it for me is the fact that Hickman County used to be solid Democratic territory. I don't think it will be that way again for a long, long time.
The line was absolutely RIDICULUS as I early voted, but the wait was well worth it. Although Tennessee is a red state I feel like that's all the more reason for Blue voters like us to show up and show out! At the polls there was definitely a feeling that I was outnumbered; especially as I watched a truck with a huge McCain/Palin sign propped up in the back pull up. I think it's important for everyone to keep urging people to get out and let their voice be heard. This is a historical election, and I am proud to be participating in it. YES WE CAN!
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