Wednesday, July 23, 2008

About ElectBlue

ElectBlue is dedicated to the promotion of progressive political ideas and candidates throughout the US. It is the creation of two long-time political activists, Bill Newsome and Stephen Moody, both of whom have considerable experience in various political activities. 

ElectBlue is privately owned and funded. We are not affiliated with any political party, political campaign or with any other organization. There are not now, and will never be, any commercial ads on the website. Monetary donations are not accepted.

In the 2009-2010 election cycle ElectBlue is focused on supporting the progressive policies of President Obama and increasing Democratic majorities in the US House and, particularly, in the US Senate.  We will also target certain state (especially Tennessee) and local (particularly Nashville) progressive candidates and issues as well as selected gubernatorial races. Our goal is simple: to create the best possible political environment for the enactment of progressive public policies.

In addition to Bill and Stephen, ElectBlue has three regular contributing bloggers: 

-  John Brake is the former chair of the Williamson County (TN) Democratic Party and a columnist for the Williamson Herald newspaper. 

-  LibraryPolitico is the nom-de-plume of a young Democratic Party activist who has held key leadership positions in numerous political campaigns. He has also worked on the staff of two sitting US Congressmen. 

-  TangledUpInBlue is the online pen name of another long-time progressive activist with a special interest in environmental issues. He is also a regular volunteer for local groups helping the less fortunate among us. He has been a frequent and reliable foot soldier in numerous political campaigns.

ElectBlue is also very fortunate to have Caleb R. Kenderdine on our team. He manages our MySpace and FaceBook accounts. As our youngest member, Caleb voted in his first presidential election ever this November. His talent, enthusiasm and can-do attitude are much appreciated.

ElectBlue will post, unedited and uncensored, blogs submitted by any candidate (or authorized representative) we are supporting in the current election cycle. We will also post, unedited and uncensored, blogs by selected advocates of progressive policies and referenda on public policy changes which we support or oppose (as the case may be). Candidates and other potential guest bloggers can contact us at

All readers are invited to submit their comments on any blog by simply clicking on the 'comment' icon found at the end each post.