Monday, September 29, 2008

Critical Dates: Voter Registration and Early Voting

Click here for an easy-to-read summary of voter registration deadlines in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, provided by Rock The Vote

ElectBlue is working on a companion table to summarize early voting and absentee voting information. Definitions of what constitutes early voting versus absentee voting vary widely from state to state, making a simple summary very difficult to  produce. The best online table we have found so far is at EarlyVoting. We at ElectBlue hope to develop and publish our own, easier-to-use summary shortly.

In the meantime, if you have questions about early voting or absentee voting in your state, the best source of information is your local election commission. Our experience is that rules and dates can vary by county and city, even within the same state. Your local officials are the best bet for accurate information. Basic information about state and local contacts can be found at the EarlyVoting site.

1 comment:

Ben Neal said...

I hope Senator Dole is able to vote via absentee....