Saturday, August 30, 2008

McCain Proves Why He's the Risky Choice. Fails First Test

In his first test to prove himself as qualified to be President, John Sidney McCain has failed. John McCain, not Barack Obama, is the riskier choice.  He's perhaps the riskiest choice in modern history.  His judgement in choosing Palin is all the proof we need.

Palin, with absolutely no foreign policy experience, an undergraduate degree in Journalism, Governor for only a year and a half, and former mayor of a tiny town is McCain's top choice for who should become President in the event of an emergency?  And he met her just once in his life before asking her to be his veep?  McCain and Palin do have one qualification in common. Palin owns a lot of homes too!  Three to be exact.   

Quite simply, any man with a resume this thin would have been passed over.  It's as if the campaign is a game to McCain, full of ploys and strategies to win. McCain is putting politics and winning an election above the security of the nation by choosing Palin. It's Bush to the core! Win at all costs.  

Here's David Gergen's take:

Paul Begala on McCain's pick: 
"For a man who is 72 years old and has had four bouts with cancer to have chosen someone so completely unqualified to become president is shockingly irresponsible. Suddenly, McCain's age and health become central issues in the campaign, as does his judgment."
Former Bush speech writer, David Frum:
"It's a wild gamble, undertaken by our oldest ever first-time candidate for president in hopes of changing the board of this election campaign. Maybe it will work. But maybe (and at least as likely) it will reinforce a theme that I'd be pounding home if I were the Obama campaign: that it's John McCain for all his white hair who represents the risky choice, while it is Barack Obama who offers cautious, steady, predictable governance."
Del Ali, President of Research 2000
"In my estimation as a pollster and analyst, while historic for the GOP in selecting their first woman on a national ticket, this choice may be the worst selection by a major party nominee for President in modern times."
The reaction of my mother who happens to be a registered Republican who's voting for Obama:

"To me this is a smoke screen McCain can hide behind. They will use her as new gift wrap around the last eight years of an old package. Would a man be picked with such a short resume? Of course not!"

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