- First Elected in 1992
- Defeated George Nethercutt in 2004 (55% - 43%)
- DOB - 10/11/1950
POTENTIAL CHALLENGERS (names being tossed around): Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rogers, Congressman Dave Reichert, Attorney General Rob McKenna

A February Poll conducted by Research 2000 shows Patty Murray with a comfortable lead over potential Republican challengers, Dave Reichert (+13) and Rob McKenna (+16). As Washington trends more and more blue, don't expect any of these guys to actually run..especially as long as Murray continues to poll so well. Many Washington insiders believe Rob McKenna's true ambition is to be elected as Washington's next governor in 2012. As US House members, McMorris-Rogers and Reichert have everything to lose and therefore unlikely willing to risk it all for a long-shot run against a strong incumbent.