Friday, October 9, 2009

CALIFORNIA SENATE 2010: Boxer Cruising Past Republican Challengers

A Field Poll today reveals that Republican challengers, Carly Fiorina and Chuck DeVore, are wasting their money in California. One year out, and both Republicans are virtually unknown to voters. The only blip may be Senator Boxer's approval rating, just 48%.
When Boxer is paired against the two GOP U.S. Senate hopefuls, the incumbent holds early double- digit leads over her two lesser-known opponents in general election match-ups. Against Fiorina Boxer’s lead is 49% to 35%. When she is paired against DeVore her lead is 50% to 33%.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness voters don't vote on polls. I certainly hope there is a groundswell of support for Chuck DeVore as he is really reaching out to those grassroots groups early on.

Bill Newsome said...

Do you think DeVore can even get past Fiorina?